Using Student and Parent Voice to Develop Classroom Values
On back to school night, parents wrote letters to their children sharing their hopes and dreams for their children this year. The students read these letters and used their inference skills to develop a list of values that our parents might want to include in our classroom community. Annie read that her parents were gazing out the window at the trees outside and she inferred that her parents value the natural world. Many students read that their parents hope that they enjoy their 5th-grade experience and have many moments of laughter. The students inferred that their parents valued joy and humor.
A few parents wrote that they hope their child makes some new friends, so we added friendship to our growing list of values. When we had culled out all of the parent values, the students read through the list and thought about whether some important values that they hold were missing. We added Safety, Learning from Mistakes, Wonder & Curiosity, etc...
When we felt our list was complete, partners were given 5 red dots to spend on the most important values to them. Each value that contained a dot was then included in our list of classroom values.
Below is our list of values! We created art to hang in the classroom to remind us of the values that we share. These values will then be the basis of our classroom constitution.
What values stand out to you in this photo?