Monday, October 30, 2017

Heart Maps and Bridges to Neighborhood House

             A few weeks ago, the students were asked to create a map of what weighs heavily on their heart or what issues are they most concerned. These maps were the product of their thinking: 


     We then returned to the maps in order to research and learn about what services Neighborhood House provides and where we can find bridges to our own hearts. After researching, we then generated questions we could ask on our field trip. Here are some of the questions:

        Now that we have visited and learned more about Neighborhood House, we can link 3 major issues from our heart maps: Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness. Stay tuned for more learning as we dig into these issues. 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed looking at the children's heart maps. Very interesting to see such an intuitive way that they can connect images and thoughts to show their feelings and concerns!
